Community Participation Support

Community Participation Supports are services which coordinate and/or provide supports for valued and active participation in integrated community opportunities that build on the person’s interests, preferences, gifts, and strengths while reflecting the person’s goals with regard to community involvement and membership. This service involves participation in one or more integrated community settings, in activities that involve persons without disabilities who are not paid or unpaid caregivers. Community Participation Supports are designed to promote maximum participation in integrated community life while facilitating meaningful relationships, friendships and social networks with persons without disabilities who share similar interests and goals for community involvement and participation.

Community Participation Supports provide assistance for active and positive participation in a broad range of integrated community settings that allow the person to engage with people who do not have disabilities who are not paid or unpaid caregivers. The service is expected to result in the person developing and sustaining a range of valued, age-appropriate social roles and relationships; building natural supports; increasing independence; and experiencing meaningful community integration and inclusion. Activities are expected to increase the individual’s opportunity to build connections within his/her local community and include (but are not limited to) the following:

Supports to participate in age-appropriate community activities, groups, associations or clubs to develop social networks with community organizations and clubs to;

Supports to participate in community opportunities related to the development of hobbies or leisure/cultural interests or to promote personal health and wellness ( class, walking group, etc.);

Supports to participate in adult education and postsecondary education classes;

Supports to participate in formal/informal associations or community/neighborhood groups;

Supports to participate in volunteer opportunities;

Supports to participate in opportunities focused on training and education for self-determination and self-advocacy;

Supports for learning to navigate the local community, including learning to use public transportation and/or private transportation available in the local area;

Supports to maintain relationships with members of the broader community (e.g.neighbors, co-workers and other community members who do not have disabilities